Here's the last painting demo for the Expo. I only had time to complete the sea-turtle on Friday and later added a background when I got home.
Thanks to the Axiotron crew, thanks to Emma for bringing the creative promoters together, and thanks to the kind folks that stopped by to say "hi". It was a privilege to meet Sheldon, artist for Cartoon Network's "Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends". Story Artist - Mitch and James from Los Angeles introduced me to a Pixar great, Floyd Norman. It was great to meet a Pixar artist that started with Pixar back when they were still located in Point Richmond. I used to work in one of Pixar's older buildings, but now belongs to a Biotech Co. and Software company.
Thanks to my friends that dropped by to give the Modbook a whirl: Glen, Ari, Daniel, Marie, Anna, Carolyn, Olive, Elizer and Ocho.
I wish I could have done a sketchcrawl every night with the Modbook, but I was so tired by the time we closed up shop, ate dinner and headed back to the hotel. It was very difficult to say good-bye to the lovely Modbook that I got to take with me every night.
On a lighter note...I see that customers are slowly receiving their own Modbooks....that they ordered last year! Can't wait to see all their new illustrations.
Hey Gerald, Nice illos. Very cool you got to work with the modbook. It looks like a sweeeeeet little number
Dude, sweet work on the modbook. These are awesome. Make sure you go next year as well!!
Really good man!!.. I though it was apicture at the first sight.. excellent texture!!..
cool! I agree with bog_art, love the texture.
WOW!! That turtle is amazing! If I knew you were doing demos there I definitely would have gone
Thats awesome you got to meet the artist of Imaginary Home, love the style of that cartoon
greeting Gerald!! Bissu?
All is very interesting!!
Good bye!
Thanks Craig and Monkeyfeather. I do hope to promote the modbook next year.
Bog_art and Marcobucci - Thanks on the texture comments. I love laying down tons of layers!
Paulsketch - Thanks, I totally dig the Fosters:HOIF cartoon style too! The background paintings are breathtaking.
Lena - Thanks for stopping by :D
nice digital sketching.
great toy too...I imagine.
Hey goobeetsalog - Thanks, It's definitely a great toy.
Woooah!! My jaw is officially on the floor. Love the sequence going on here too!
Ooo. Groovy texture, but a sea turtle isn't the same without showing it's cute tail! ;)
Glad to hear the Expo went well.
Thanks for your comment!!.. What you say about my alligator, I can say it of your turtle.. wonderful..
Cool! I love^^
WOW THis is really COOL!
Hi Gerald! How are you doing?
Good good bye!! Lena. Moscow.
i must admit u have impressed....visit us @ or my personal art blog @
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